Project details

Objectives: The AISE project aims to apply artificial intelligent-based techniques in order to create a platform capable to support the skill assessment of secondary school students’ by automating the decision of the educational community through the power of predictive algorithms.The variety of artificial intelligent techniques wil be applied on unstructured text, collected from the educators of the different participating countries, to extract patterns and insights for providing the predictive platform.

Implementation: The main activities are related with scientific an research studies on the secondary school students throughout essays that will be performed in different periods by the educators of participating European schools. State-of-the-art artificial intelligent technologies will be used and higly scalable models will be produced, ecaluated and validated. Scientific publications, participation in conferences and many dissemination activities have been foreseen during the three years duration of AISE.

Results: Creation of an educational material in order to assess the secondary education school students’ skills of both their learning performance in 4 EU countries. Design, and apply the data mining models that are based on a variety of artificial intelligent technologies. Create a set of predictive models for students’ skill assessment. Develop and apply a collaborative cloudbased software platform that will be used to register all the collected material that will be collected from students.